Take a few moments to read and relax! On the 18th of January 1934, ninety Years ago, the first Schoenstatt Sisters arrived in South Africa. A longing waiting to be fulfilled. Sr. Melitta joined the Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary in August 1930. As a part A day of joy and gratitude Sunday, the 27th of August, was the long-awaited Clothing day for 5 Burundian novices of the Burundian delegation of the Transforming Lives: Bringing Clean Water to 15 Families in Rural Kenya A success story We are thrilled to share with you the success story of our recently completed water project in An Experience of Family At times life overwhelms us! This was my experience during the second week of January. The Schoenstatt Girls’ Youth were Christ in the Mall “Thank you, sisters, for putting Christ back into Christmas!” This was the comment of one young mother who encountered the Things to share “God gives us things to share, God doesn’t give us things to hold”Mother TeresaOur sincere thanks to our kind donors Courage Demonstrating Courage We do not have the coronavirus pandemic under control yet, and many things have changed during this time. Special moments Capturing those special moments is an art. Over the last few weeks the “Queen of the Night” has been blossoming FAITH, HOPE & CHARITY FAITH, HOPE & CHARITY – our cornerstones for 2021! May we start by thanking all our kind donors for helping Looking back on 2020 God wishes to draw people to himself through vivid evidence of his love. Only in this way will we understand Sr. Marina She was well known throughout Cape Town The Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary are sad to inform you of the unexpected ‘HELPING HANDS’ ! Overview – mission and News! Our response to the devastating effects of the Covid-19 pandemic Helping Hands was initiated as A woman of confidence God had chosen Mary! She had become the woman of his trust: Mary. God had chosen, selected her, to give Joy as the doors were opened The doors of the Sisters House Chapel were opened for such a Covenant Mass for the first time since lockdown Statement from the General Presidium This statement was prompted by accusations against the founder of the Schoenstatt Work, Father Joseph Kentenich, first in an article Day of Sick and Aged Each year during the month of February, a Day for the Sick, Aged and Physically Challenged is held at Schoenstatt, Annual Crib Crawl On the 27th December the Schoenstatt Sisters invited people to come for the annual Crib Crawl. Many of us finish 50 Years Villa Maria On Friday, 6th December, 2019, the “Villa Maria Educare” celebrated 50 years of its present existence! The Schoenstatt Sisters had Sr. M. Angela – 50 Years Golden Jubilees are special occasions as they mark the fiftieth year of a specific occasion or event. In the Old First Shrine in Africa is 70 The celebration of the 70th Jubilee of the Cathcart Shrine, the first Schoenstatt Shrine on African soil, was a day 1 2 3 Next »